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Forest Road

Client Testimonials

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For decades I have battled self-doubt and confidence, and I knew I needed help.  From minutes into our first connection, I knew Dani would be the person to help me do this.  Dani has a warm demeanor which makes people comfortable, however she challenges you to get outside of your comfort zone which is where the true work takes place.  


Working with Dani was a game changing experience for me.  She helped me uncover the root cause of my feelings, and provided techniques to manage the negative chatter.  I now feel more comfortable with my authentic self through the work we’ve done identifying and pushing me to leverage my strengths, and recognize what I bring to the table.  I would highly recommend her for personal or professional coaching!


Anna, Tampa Florida

Dani guided me into the courageous and healing work of self-compassion. Her prior work as a therapist and her own personal commitment to practice what she teaches bring a real authenticity and practicality to her coaching. 


Dani has helped me dwell in and reckon compassionately with both my shadow and helper Parts.


After my sessions with Dani, I can better identify and approach my Parts with kindness and curiosity, allowing a more ready and joyful connection to my true self. If you’re longing for a deep dive that transforms, this is it!


Sharon, Asheville NC 


Dani’s work with me has changed my life. I feel like I finally got access to the real “Me,” and am now able to make decisions and handle situations from a calm, centered place, rather than out of fear. 


I have learned that it is ok to feel your feelings and get behind and understand what is driving them…and when you do that the fear of them goes away and clarity shows up. The unknown is scary, but Dani helped me get to a place of talking to my Parts without being afraid of what may be there. As a result I have clarity on next steps in my life – and even my husband noticed my calm!


I would highly recommend working with Dani! She changed my life!


Julie Fox, Asheville, NC

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I began working with Dani when I read a social media post about the importance of cultivating self-compassion. I wanted this so much but was unable to get past my brutal inner dialogue and unreasonably high standards. I craved the ability to love myself!  That is exactly what has happened as a result of Depth Coaching with Dani.

Since we began working together, I have been able to tap into and appreciate my authentic self, loving all of my parts however not allowing them to drive the bus as often. The centeredness I can now access has enabled me to show up to my life feeling less fragmented and more whole. I am experiencing self-love on a daily basis . . . something that I had rarely been able to do before. This work and Dani's ability to help you move through deep emotions is perhaps some of the most transformative work I've ever done.


Cheri Honeycutt, Knoxville, TN

This is transformative work.  I know that first hand but also I've witnessed profound shifts for my clients.  Here are a few comments about doing Depth Coaching with me.  

Dani has a gentle, yet fierce, way of ‘seeing’ me and helping me to pull apart, thread by thread, the complex tapestry that had become my familiar (comfortably judgmental) internal life script…And inviting me to be curious about what a different dialog could sound like while reminding me that self compassion is always an option. 


Her lens of seeing our Parts and identifying their unique voices and strengths is a life skill that now impacts my choices of how I show up in the world whether personally or professionally. It’s not easy work but it’s GOOD work.


Lani E. Faith, Portland, OR

Dani was an excellent guide along my journey of growth and healing.

I have learned to have more compassion for myself, which has enabled me to better prioritize ME, focus on my well-being and take stock of what is most important in my life.


Learning self-compassion has also enabled me to have more compassion for others, resulting in better relationships – both personal and professional – where I am able to have more peace and less emotional angst in challenging relationships.


 I can’t recommend coaching with Dani enough!​


Lisa, Charlotte NC

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